Embedded and general-purpose programming are very similar, but they have two important differences: embedded systems have limited resources, like low ram and low processing power, and their applications have a specific purpose that tightly integrates with the system and hardware. In this article, we’ll explore these differences in depth, so you can determine whether or not your project should be handled by an embedded or general-purpose programmer.
What Are Embedded Systems?
All computers are embedded systems. Computers process information, which is exactly what an embedded system does. The difference is where they’re installed, who installs them, and how long they run. Generally speaking, if it’s a computer that fits into a small space or serves as part of another system (like in an automobile or airplane), it’s an embedded system. If it runs without human intervention for more than a few hours, it’s probably a general-purpose computer. An embedded system has limited resources, like low ram and low processing power. It also has a specific purpose that tightly integrates with its hardware and environment. For example, many industrial processes use sensors to monitor variables like temperature or pressure; these sensors feed data to a control unit, which then triggers actions like turning on fans or motors when necessary. This type of setup is called an embedded system because all components work together to perform one task—monitoring environmental conditions—and nothing else.
What Is Interrupt-Driven Processing?
At its core, embedded programming is interrupt-driven. Interrupts happen all of a sudden, meaning that an application needs to be able to process them very quickly, with minimal impact on other tasks that may already be running. If not handled immediately, interrupts will cause system glitches that might prevent an application from starting up properly or even lead to system crashes. The key difference between general purpose and embedded systems is that in embedded programming, interrupts need to be preprocessed right away. In contrast, general-purpose applications can handle interrupts at their own pace.
A good example of how interrupt processing works can be seen when looking at how computers handle different types of information: while one task is being processed, another task can initiate an interruption. This interruption takes place without affecting what’s currently being processed; once it’s been dealt with, control is passed back to where it was left off. In other words, interrupts are a way for tasks to share resources in a smooth manner. For instance, if you want to send data from your computer to a printer or vice versa, you need both devices to use some memory space in order for that transfer to take place. Interrupts allow each device access to that shared memory space without having any impact on each other—they simply go about their business whenever they feel like it.
Examples of Different Architectures
There are many different architectures, but they can be broken down into four basic groups: embedded, server, desktop/laptop, and mobile. The architecture of a system determines how it’s put together. These four types break down as follows:
Non-embedded systems have high resources, like high ram and processing power. They run applications that aren’t tightly integrated with hardware or software. Examples include servers and desktops/laptops.
Choosing Between Embedded and General Purpose
As a software engineer, you’ll probably need to know about embedded systems at some point. So what are they? And when should you use them over standard programming? Here’s a rundown on how these two paradigms differ, and how to pick between them.
When To Use an Embedded Language?
The primary benefit of using an embedded language is that you can use a high-level language while still having your program run efficiently. Because Embedded Systems Course programs are typically run on a small system, they need to be efficient in their use of memory, processing power, and network bandwidth. The best way to do that is with an embedded language like C or C++. That said, if you’re writing something complex, like a video game engine or a scientific application, it may make sense to build it from scratch in a general-purpose language like Python. That way you have full control over every aspect of how it works. In short: If your application has low resource requirements and tightly integrates with hardware, go for an embedded language; otherwise, use a general-purpose one. In some cases, you might want to use both. For example, many car dashboards include GPS systems that can report traffic data and directions back to drivers. This requires lots of resources (the dashboard needs a lot of processing power) but also requires integration with other systems (GPS receivers). So most cars these days run multiple operating systems: one for talking to peripherals like GPS units and another for driving information.